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Learn how Patrick Khatrao trains professional speakers

GoldenVoice Academy

About the business:

Patrick Khatrao, 25 years old, is a professional narrator for commercials, audio books, explanatory videos and documentaries. He runs the Golden Voice Academy in Worms, where he teaches others how to earn money with their voice, simply from home.


Challenges before LearningSuite:

Before Patrick began using LearningSuite, he faced the challenge of effectively organising his fulfillment and customer interaction. Customers submitted their audio recordings via various channels including WhatsApp, Facebook, Google Drive, Dropbox, and email. He listened to these audio recordings and then gave individual feedback.

He lost track due to the variety of communication channels and had difficulty carrying out a clean evaluation process. The lack of a standardised structure and the various methods of transmission of the audio recordings made the process difficult.



Patrick's goal was to find a system to optimise his processes and coordinate all customer interactions via a single platform. He strived for flexibility, professionalism and comprehensive adaptability to his needs. In particular, he wanted to make his coaching more scalable.

In view of supervising hundreds of participants at the same time, he was looking for a systematic approach to make participants' submissions more efficient.



With LearningSuite, Patrick can now efficiently manage his submissions, which enables him to digitally coach customers individually. Previously, this was not possible in this form.

As he pointed out at the beginning of the video: “By working with LearningSuite, I was able to increase customer satisfaction enormously, relieve my employees, we now have 10 times less effort in fulfilment because evaluating recordings was a huge effort... now we have a dashboard and see how many submissions the customer has sent us - we go in there, work through them, the work is done. I would have liked to work this way 2 years ago.”

The platform aligns exactly with his use case and allows him to integrate coaching and live call modules into a single platform. He was particularly impressed by the simple and flexible use, regardless of time and place. Although he was already using software for uploading videos, LearningSuite impressed him with its adaptability and outstanding support. LearningSuite was 100% tailored to his needs.



LearningSuite not only met the design requirements — customers are impressed by the professionalism and adaptability of the platform. As a result of the improved cooperation, noticeable increases in flexibility and performance in fulfilment were demonstrable.

As also emphasised in the video, he simply recommends LearningSuite to anyone who wants to seriously invest in the area of digital learning, as the software is significantly ahead of other solutions in terms of features and adaptability. LearningSuite service definitely deserves 5 stars.

Du willst gleich wie

Patrick Khatrao

von LearningSuite profitieren?

Im Democall zeigen wir dir die Software im Detail, individuell auf deinen Anwendungsfall (Onboarding, Coaching-Plattform, Online-Kurs) zugeschnitten und beantworten all deine Fragen.

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