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Learn now Daniel Hoppman trains customers & employees


Daniel Hoppmann, founder of, uses LearningSuite for employee and customer training. LearningSuite is easy to use, fast and flexible, promotes efficient onboarding and increases the completion rate of customer projects.

Meet the entrepreneur:

Daniel Hoppmann is founder and managing director of GmbH, a company that specialises in creating high-quality video testimonials. The videos are conversion-optimised to increase the trust of prospects and boost customer conversion rates by 15-20%.


Challenges before LearningSuite:

Daniel, founder and managing director of GmbH, was confronted with a significant obstacle: The company grew quickly and there were difficulties in efficiently onboarding new employees. The training platform used earlier was cluttered and various tools had to be used to create training content. This situation proved to be an impediment to growth and service efforts with customers.



His main goal was to optimise employee onboarding and provide customers with a better service by using LearningSuite.

He wanted to ensure that colleagues were trained quickly and effectively. He also needed a platform to provide his customers with the necessary information and to successfully realise project, as well as increasing their conversion rates.



After much research, Daniel chose LearningSuite for both internal training and customer training. Internally, the platform was used to drastically shorten employee onboarding and to reduce the error rate in various processes.

At the same time, the platform was made available to help them use video testimonials more effectively and increase their completion rates. The software made it possible to easily retrieve all relevant information for collaboration, from documents to video data.



The Introduction of LearningSuite led Daniel to significant success. Employee onboarding was heavily improved, allowing new employees to be integrated into work processes quickly and efficiently.

This resulted in them achieving high-quality work for clients in a very short period of time.

At the same time, the platform enabled customers to obtain information quickly and clearly to optimise their projects and marketing efforts. Customer satisfaction rose to a new level!

Daniel particularly appreciated the ease of use and speed of learningSuite as well as the flexibility it offers.

“I would recommend LearningSuite to any company that has a strong focus on customer service, particularly if it's a service that requires explanation and wants to reduce onboarding times. "If you are in search of a platform that allows you to share information with customers, offer coaching, and assess knowledge through forms or audio and video responses, and also aims to enhance your customers' success with your services, I would strongly recommend it. It's ideal for any company seeking to onboard their employees more efficiently or to elevate the level of service they provide to their customers.” Daniel points out at the end of the video.

Du willst gleich wie

Daniel Hoppmann

von LearningSuite profitieren?

Im Democall zeigen wir dir die Software im Detail, individuell auf deinen Anwendungsfall (Onboarding, Coaching-Plattform, Online-Kurs) zugeschnitten und beantworten all deine Fragen.

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